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An Obsession With Healthy Eating

Food Insight

Orthorexia: When Healthy Eating Becomes a Problem

An Obsession with Healthy Eating

Orthorexia is a term that describes an obsession with healthy eating.

Symptoms of Orthorexia

People with orthorexia may adopt strict diets that focus on foods they consider healthy, such as organic fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein. They may also avoid processed foods, dairy products, and sugar.

As their obsession progresses, individuals with orthorexia may become increasingly restrictive in their eating, cutting out entire food groups and becoming isolated from social situations that involve food. They may also experience anxiety and guilt when they eat foods that they consider unhealthy.


Orthorexia is a serious eating disorder that can have a significant impact on a person's physical and mental health. If you or someone you know is struggling with orthorexia, it is important to seek professional help. Treatment for orthorexia typically involves therapy, nutrition counseling, and medical monitoring. With treatment, recovery is possible.

Verywell Health
